My Teenage Werewolf Reflection
Many intellectuals have used various materials to convey their thoughts concerning the various aspects of the society. Psychology proves one of the areas of study that needs thorough address since it deals with the lives of human being. Apparently, various intellectuals have contributed to the work of psychology by blueprinting information relevant to enhance the problem-solving in different categories. The book My Teenage Werewolf Reflection by Lauren remains no exception for such considerations. Therefore, the paper presents a reflection on the books while considering how it deals with the major events of the teenage life.
The book presents a valuable version of life especially at the teenage moments. The whole story revolves around the daughter and her mother. Lizzie is entering into her adolescent stage, a condition that Kessler seems not readily accepts (Kessler, 2010). As a result, the situation brings the daughter and the mother at odds. At such a point, one realizes the changes that ladies experience when they enter their adolescent stage. Lizzie’s life seems to have changed and she requires supervision from her mother. However, Kessler finds it difficult not to take care of her daughter during this period. The author feels it necessary to offer her daughter maximum security relevant to offer her the best direction in life. It is clear that during the periods when girls enter into their adolescence, they need some little freedom. Lizzie feels she can watch over herself and does not see the need of her mother following her everywhere. It is this condition that develops the rift between the two at the beginning of the story (Merrick and Omar, 2007). When Kessler attempts to put any action that blocks her daughter from accessing certain places, Lizzie views it negatively. However, her mother insists on following her in most of the places where she goes.
Moreover, the authors’ feeling of not keeping any distance with her daughter makes her dive into Lizzie’s world. The mother decides to follow every bit of move of her 12 years old daughter. For instance, Kessler follows the girls from class to class by embedding herself in the middle school. The behavior clearly shows the over concerned mother meddling into her daughter affairs. Kessler becomes overprotective at this point at it what makes her daughter to begin becoming suspicious. Moreover, Kessler investigates into her peer relationships by probing the relevant individuals. The point indicates a clear psychological problem that the mother has toward her daughter. Being over suspicious is an abnormal behavior. One may interprets Kessler’s acts negatively though she feels of concern her adolescent girl. However, the question remains on the reason for her not allowing the child to freely interact. When Lizzie discovers the behaviors of her author mother, she seems to develop some negative attitude toward her. The mother also seems to fear losing her relationship with her daughter who is vulnerably into the adolescent stage. Additionally, the mother goes a step ahead to interrogate the social affairs of her daughter. For instance, Kessler interrogates her online pastime and cyberfriends and her life during the athletic and summer camp. Kessler’s actions actually show how she is concerned about her daughter’s stage of life. Even though the move appears protective, one may perceive it differently (Jetha and Segalowitz, 2012). The mother seems to have some mistrust on Lizzie’s behavior thus probing even into her online affairs. Psychologically, it appears that the mother also experienced some challenges with such stages of life. One can only take caution of what he or she has some clue about. It appears that Kessler associates her daughter’s state of life with bad happenings. She even fears seeing her interacting with her peers.
The next step that Kessler takes with an aim of understanding her daughter better is the consultation with the psychological experts. Kessler interviews a female shaman who is a teen educator and a mental health counselor. The educator plays the role of a on a roller derby team. The author does this with an aim of getting much information concerning the condition of her daughter. Apart from consultations, Kessler digs deep into the literature containing the info necessary to fulfil her quest. Her intent into the books makes her gain understanding of the adolescent behaviors. At this point, the mother’s concern for her daughter remains apparent. It following such feeling of protection that she decides to solicit relevant information to enable her contains the situation.
Far from the mother, Lizzie displays some traits that reflect her true state of the adolescent. He inherits her mother’s role of cultural anthropologist which reveals much about her character traits. Two vivid traits in Lizzie are the act of hostility and meanness. The conditions dominate her life since she does not have any power over herself. When Kessler comes to reality with her daughter’s state of life, she recognizes her need for power herself and choices. The decision rejuvenates the relationship between the mother and her daughter. Consequently, they develop mutual understanding and compassion. Despite the author being a mother of two teen males, she downplays their adolescent conflict with their mother. Kessler thus concentrates on the mother-daughter teenage problems.
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In conclusion, Kessler clearly presents the conflicting behaviors that mar the teenage lives of the daughters and their mothers. She uses her relationship with Lizzie to represents the problems that mothers undergo during such times when their daughters are in relationship. Lizzie represents teenage girls while her mother’s character reveals what many women experience in the society.