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Depression: Cause and Effect

Depression: Cause and Effect

People experience positive emotions as well as negative. However, when there is the constant feeling of dissatisfaction, sadness or sorrow it may call for depression. Moreover, it is of one most common disease in XXI century. Every 5th woman and 10th man suffers from it. The reasons for depression may be found in the following:

  • Genetics (if a family member has been observed suicidal or depressed, it may increase the chances of getting ill);
  • Psychological factors (feelings of loneliness, rejection or abandonment both causes and symptoms that may predispose a person to depression);
  • Stressful factors (Job loss, conflicts in relationships, retirement, natural disasters, problems with the law, as well as a death of a beloved person are the factors, which may result into depression).

Common symptoms of depression are insomnia, lack of appetite, and feeling of tiredness, etc.

A healthy person feels good most of the time – performing daily tasks, communicating with others, working and relaxing. Sometimes it turns into a feeling of joy and even ecstasy. On the other hand, it is natural to feel pain, sadness, grief and disappointment sometimes. However, there is no reason to fall into a depression. Being into depressive condition a person is not able to response. It is the failure to respond to external stimuli distinguishes depression from other emotional states.

The man who lost heart will regain faith and hope when the situation changes. Upset man returns to normal when it is the cause of the disorder. Being disappointed a person is trying to find something positive, or at least to communicate with others. . Depressed person does not respond to that, the prospect of a change for the better or the promise of pleasure often only exacerbate his or her state.

In several cases of depression, lack of contact with the world is even more obvious. In a state of deep depression, a person can sit for hours in a chair, staring into the void. Spend most of the day in bed, being unable to join the circle of life.

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To measure the quality of depression or to predict the behavior is impossible.  Being into the state of impression a person is living in the past and, therefore, trying to deny the present. Since depressive reaction leads a person to a therapist and it is the main complaint, we should not lose sight of the fact that it is part of the cycle, to which the upward movement gives far downwards. In most cases, depressive reaction preceded by a period of exaltation, immerses the recession into a depression.

Signs of exaltation are easy to notice. In this condition, a person is hyperactive, his speech is fast, and a person is forming the successive ideas form a continuous stream. Besides, he or she is struck by the low self-esteem. Further development of this phenomenon leads to a manic state. Mania is not a genuine relief from depression, but only fitful denial of dependence.

Ego of a person in a state of exaltation is as overexcited as if he was in anticipation of a strange, miraculous event that would make him say the most secret desires. Such a reaction can be compared with the one of a child who has been separated from his mother, and now with the excitation is waiting for her return. For a child, the return of the lost mother (or finding her love) is the most sacred wish. Her love is the satisfaction of all the needs of a child.

At the heart of any depressive reaction is the loss of a mother’s love. However, such a loss is considered as irreparable. The hope of return, usually unconscious, is the impetus for the rise of energy that causes a state of exaltation. People suffering from depression have unmet oral needs: the need of physical contact experience, the need to get attention and approval, the need to feel love and care. These requirements are called oral because they correspond to the period of infancy, which is dominated by oral activity. In other words, the people who were deprived of maternal love, which provides security and unconditional love are always under the threat of falling into depression. Among adults, these unmet needs are manifested in the inability to be alone, in fear of separation, in excessive talkativeness, or other aspects of the behavior such as boasting all of these are aimed at attracting attention, sensitivity to cold and tendency to dependent relationships.

Oral needs, which were unfulfilled in childhood, are impossible to fill up in adulthood. The love of surrogate mother cannot give a person a sense of security that he or she could not get in childhood. As an adult, he should find that security himself. No matter how much attention, admiration, approval, love is received oral, it does not fill the emptiness inside him. Adult can achieve that only through love, work and sexuality. It is the illusion that it is possible to change the past. The main idea is to overcome the unconscious infantile fixation and help a person to start living fuller and more mature life in the present.

There are three adult depression problems:

  1. What event in the present launched depressive reaction?
  2. As a result of a past event has every person become prone to depression?
  3. What is the relationship between the present and the past?

Depressive reaction occurs when the illusion is crumbled because of reality. Predetermining the highlight of the past is the loss of the love object. In most cases, we are talking about the loss of a mother’s love and only occasionally – father. Loss of mother means a loss of the world for a child and in some cases, the loss of himself.

Therapists have known the fact that if you allow the patient to cry or get angry, it would weaken the grip of depression. Crying is a more appropriate response, because depression is associated with a sense of loss. When Freud studied depression in its most severe form, – melancholy, he believed that, it was caused by failure to express grief, the source of which could be detected in early childhood. Later psychoanalysts associated it with the suppression of anger, depression or anger experienced by the individual, losing the love object.

It happens when the mother is physically present but emotionally is absent, the emotional indifference may also result into depression. . A child will cry, requiring warmth and affection, which the mother cannot give, and he will continue to cry until this aspiration will not be too painful for him. The child cannot come to terms with the loss of a mother’s love. Because, he or she is too dependent on mother, moreover he needs her in order to survive. He cannot express his grief, as adults do, losing a loved one.

Psychoanalysts also understand that in the depressive tendency is hidden the conflict between love and hatred towards his mother, and sometimes father. The hostility with which some parents, especially mothers treat their children is incredible.

Any therapy that is aiming at treating depression counts on something more than temporary results and must strive to overcome the devastating effects of the loss of love. Therapy helps many people to overcome their depression, especially when the patient brings in contact with his feelings, his inner world. It helps a person to regain self-control and independence. Thus, therapy is directed to a man. The therapist’s task is to help patients to find their way to the attainment of self-acceptance and self-belief.

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