Nursing in the Future Essay Sample
In attempting to analyze the myriad changes expected over the next fifteen years, an explicit review of the numerous variable and dynamics of time are essential and crucial. This will provide an ideal platform for drawing a practical, accurate and clear inference on what is actually expected. Variables such as dependent, independent and interdependent must be quantified it the outcome is to be reliable. Essentially, I intend to reflect on the changes that have been witnessed in the healthcare sector aimed at quality assurance and reduced costs. Some of the direct steps include downsizing, rightsizing, restructuring, and re-engineering which were widely incorporated in the health sector. Research suggests that over the last decade, system reforms have concentrated on structuring and restructuring. For instance, the Sinclair restructuring commission and Community Care Action Centre have been restructured to accommodate the ever-increasing population. In addition, at the community level, consumer expectations and knowledge have experienced metamorphosis following the improved technological know how, which eventually has outpaced social morals, values and norms. In the early 90s, Registered Nurses Association of Ontario pushed for revised educational qualifications, specialization, and professionalism code of conduct, professional rights and personnel adequacy within the nursing profession. In essence, this research paper aims to highlight the changes or developments expected in the nursing practice in the next fifteen years. Some of the changes are associated with nursing specialties to be introduced, culture and practical nursing profession, and suitability of community health care on the elderly.
Changes Expected in the Nursing Profession
In the next decade, the provision of healthcare services will be dictated by economic efficiency majorly due to the ever-changing economic condition. Though predicted by the Canadian Nurses Association back in 1981, changes in the practice of nursing will be necessitated by the persistent need for efficient and affordable but quality healthcare services (Kalisch, 2004). In response to such demands, the nursing profession will opt for optimal specialized utilization of the healthcare personnel by developing competitive new entry points into the healthcare system. In the next ten years or more, greater changes are expected in provision of healthcare from the expensive treatment procedure to long-term campaigns promoting preventive approaches and healthy living (American Nurses Association, 2001).
Additionally, as the world experiences technological transformation, communication and health provision facilities are also improving. Equipments used by the nursing personnel are also being revolutionized. These modifications or developments in the materials and nursing equipments are expected to simplify and efficiently boost the practice of nursing. Besides, the advancements in communication and management systems are expected to completely change nursing human resources issues, work environment quality, information and services access, therefore, improving care delivery efficiency (Chikky& Black, 2007).
Presently, a considerable number of the patients in various health facilities exhibit disgust, hostility and disillusionment, especially about the services that they receive. As a result, many nurses constantly complain of dissatisfaction and burnout, which directly affect the quality of services that they give the patients. It is very clear that the affected nurses have been active in open forums incorporating and advancing the views of their colleagues with the aim of finding a solution to these persistent challenges. There is no doubt that the solution to these challenges lie deeply in the provision of holistic nursing care (Kalisch, 2004). Though still underdeveloped, this approach may yield positive results in the next fifteen years as it incorporates the provision of psychological and physical care to patients rather than managing a particular condition or disease. Consequently, cases of burnout and frustrations will be minimized, as the nursing personnel will be equipped with the holistic nursing skills necessary for giving optimal care comfort to their patients (Hayakawa, Ogasawara & Katz, 2007).
The current healthcare industry is experiencing various issues and challenges such as staff or personnel shortage, operational deficits and credentialing. Even though the prospects for future of nursing may be unclear, current proposals of the Health Care Scheme may yield positive results. By increasing the number of nurses, the risks and workload on nursing care will be minimized to a manageable level (Mahaffey, 2004). Coupled with the possible specialization criteria, definite care provision will guarantee quality assurance. As the role of nurses is transformed from actual caring for the patient to coordinating care provision with families of the patient, more time will be allocated to serious care cases rather than the minor cases, which can be handled by family members in a home care setting (Chikky & Black, 2007). As care provision complexity reduces, nurses will only have to educate the patient’s family members on the basics of healthcare and save time on non-nursing roles.
Expected Nursing Specialties in the Next Decade
Nursing education has no limits. Certified nursing is critical in maintaining high quality of healthcare provision to clients. To improve quality of care, specialization is necessary. In the next decade, Holistic Nursing will be a necessity in understanding the physical and psychological care for clients. Rather than just concentrating on the ailment care, the attention is also given to psychological and social interfaces of condition of a client (Hayakawa, Ogasawara & Katz, 2007). Further, Domestic Animals Nursing care specialty will certainly surface due to the current influx of pet diseases and ailments. This group of nurses will concentrate on the provision of home care education to pet owners and care to be applied on a sick pet and post treatment recovery program. In addition, due to the prevalent rates of cancer infections, nursing specialty in Cancer Care Nursing “Oncology Nursing” will surface to help in the management of many patients who have been diagnosed with cancerous ailments (Chikky & Black, 2007). As specialization is made necessary, the above specialties will only deal with the care for these ailments, which are very common in different communities.
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Culturally Relevant Healthcare
There is no doubt that practicing as a nurse in the town of San Antonio, Texas, it is crucial and important for one to understand the culture of the Hispanic population who are the majority residence in order to give culturally relevant care. Hispanics are very sensitive on issues related to moral values, tradition, Spanish language, and religion. To understand this community, serious commitment to multiplicity on language issues is very necessary. To avoid or avert the chances of language barrier, this group requires additional interpretation services for clarity (Chikky & Black, 2007). In addition, since this group forms the minority clique in America, they tend to share strong community bonds on inter and intra personality interactions. To win their trust, it is vital to develop culture specific informal and formal networks as a means of balancing sensitivity and culture in the provision of healthcare services. Besides, this community consists of a large number of those who dropped out of schools and colleges. Therefore, apart from the verbal communication, non-verbal communication strategies such as gestures, demonstration, symbolism, written translations and pictures may be vitally important (American Nurses Association, 2001).
Reform on Community Healthcare to Fit the Older Clients
In order to satisfy the healthcare needs of the elderly, the community healthcare system will have to be transformed to be in line with the special needs of this particular group. To begin with, this group requires interpretation and refined non-verbal communication tools. Besides, they are sensitive to care issues surrounding culture, norms and religion. Consequently, the community healthcare system should be restructured to accommodate the behavioral aspects related to tradition, especially on dieting (American Nurses Association, 2001). The objective is to increase the choices available for adequate and optimal care. However, fear and lack of experience are serious barriers to properly handling older clients. To reverse this, the community healthcare system should foster creativity and proper adult care training to equip the nurses with these special skills unique to old clients. In fact, to achieve this, mobile technology should be applied to provide culturally and timely information on health to old in their homes (Chikky & Black, 2007).
In my work place, at a nursing and rehabilitation facility in San Antonio, Texas, majority of my fellow staff members are Hispanic and Black Americans. In fact, only thirteen white and non-Hispanic people form part of the entire personnel. Therefore, being part of the thirteen, we form the minority group. San Antonio is widely dominated by the Hispanic population and this is reflected in the fact that many of my co-workers speak English with the Latin ascent. Nearly fifty five percent of all the staff is of Latin origin, thirty percent black Americans and the rest white non- Hispanic. The Hispanics are very social but conservative on the topics or issues of culture, norms and religious view. Intrestingly, nearly all of them are Catholics. On the other hand, the black Americans prefer unique communication technique comprising of coded language sounding explicit on the first impressing. Due to minority issue, the white non-Hispanic nurses have learnt to co-exist with others in an interactive and open manner (Mahaffey, 2004).
In sum, to realize the much-needed reforms in the provision of healthcare, meaningful application of modern technology, technical assistance, and awareness campaigns are necessary and crucial. Besides, cultural relevance and knowledge encourages quality service provision. Moreover, structural reforms, specialization, holistic nursing, partnerships with players in the care provision are essential in transforming nursing career into a noble profession.