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Case Study Analysis – Philadelphia Phillies

Case Study Analysis – Philadelphia Phillies


The most significant thing when marketing is the definition of market. It requires the systematic approach, where the study is carried out to establish the continuation of an economic potential within the market borders (Besanko, Dranove, Shanley, & Schaefer, 2010). Besides, the assortment of precise market sectors will be considered. Due to the various changes in preference of a consumer, the purpose for marketing strategies will be continuously transformed into efficient results. Philadelphia Phillies is an American baseball team with the sole mission of winning the World Series.

Philadelphia Phillies’ Marketed Products

From a general perspective, Philadelphia Phillies is trying to market the entire team by baseball championship during matches in the new fan-friendly stadium. Although it is one of the oldest game franchises in the USA, there is a strong desire to enjoy massive recognition thoroughly on the national level (Cox & Skidmore-Hess, 2006). As a result, Philadelphia Phillies needs to take advantage of the perspective through designing a facility, which will be in a position to reach out to the wide range of clients.

The Chief Executive Officer and President of the team, David Montgomery, thinks that the facility can take a game for much a broader audience. Consequently, the primary setback is marketing the game and appeal to the spectators. Thus, they attempt as much as possible in ensuring that the ballpark is built for perfectionists and fans are fascinated to visit the facility to enjoy baseball.

The Merchandise Philadelphia Phillies is Careful Not to Market

The CEO, David Montgomery, insists that Philadelphia Phillies is not in the business of advertising the perfect team. However, although they are trying to market the game of baseball, the team is not triumphant in all their games.

The Feature Dimension in Marketing Philadelphia Phillies Differs From Promoting the Consumer Product

When marketing any services or products, it involves several exceptional challenges. Although both types of advertising might turn out to become successful, they need an individual to gain sufficient information in this fastidious field before they can expect any success. Hence, it is wise to learn the difference in marketing services and products. During the process of advertising an entertainment service, an individual must realize that the service is intangible hence making it somehow hard to promote. For example, if one purchases a good, such as breakfast cereal, a customer has something tangible to try. On the other hand, clients who pay for services make sure the services are customized. It is because the services are tailored to meet the needs of a particular customer. As a result, the services have flexible profits that can last for several years.

In addition, when the product is marketed, it can be sold to anyone willing to buy it. If it comes to promoting an entertainment service, an individual needs to become more selective in making choices for the prospective clientele (Kaser & Oelkers, 2008). At times, the service might become more costly in the long run because it has been used over time. The need to establish great relationships with customers results to individual needs in choosing the best group to associate and work. More importantly, a person does not have to know necessarily the clients when marketing the products. In many cases, the chances are when an individual purchases the products, the producer might not see them again, and he/she will likely continue producing the products. Additionally, the producer does not have to hold many conversations with customers., The marketing service seldom requires more interaction with customers. It implies that the relationship with customers has to be improved.

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The Characteristics of Philadelphia Phillies Fans

Despite the levels of interest, there are similar common characteristics demonstrated through sports enthusiasts. Furthermore, it is regular for fans of Philadelphia Phillies to desire, acquire, and have substances with admiration to their interest. According to many cases, it would be frequent to discover Philadelphia Phillies’ fans not distant from the subject of affection. In the same way, it is the reason why huge sports stadiums are normally full, and tickets are sold out. Despite the soaring prices, sports memorabilia are usually sold out.

Subsequently, another characteristic of Philadelphia Phillies is the desire to involve themselves externally in regular societal communication with the fellow fans. In addition, they are bound to have several websites or fan sites devoted to the object of affection. In many cases, societal involvement in the common interest contributes to the sense of belonging to fans. Significant reasons why the conferences are set with associated notices being on the sites of fans. Generally, the vast number of sports fans in the globe mostly attends fan conventions and gatherings.

An additional trait of fans of Philadelphia Phillies is the ability to watch sports events jointly on television, especially at home. As a result, they become concerned with articulating gratification and discontentment over the sports to the heart’s content. In the big game events, Philadelphia Phillies’ fans would likely to visit sports bars, gathering to congratulate their team and enthusiastically experience intensity in a great level of liberty.

The Content of Philadelphia Phillies’ Fan Page

For more fans to be attracted to the Philadelphia Phillies’ fan page, there should be inclusive updates of news regarding the situation of the team (Parkhouse, Turner, & Miloch, 2012). Videos and sports news must be included for entertainment. A few crowd photographs need to be included together with pre-field games and day tickets. It is instrumental in giving the fans the feeling of being in the stadium.

When the game is in season, the page of Philadelphia Phillies must have pictures, craving statistics, and various news. Additionally, the fans’ page should be interactive and engaging to make sure more people are attracted to the polls and filling in the blanks. In most cases, fans will be mostly interested in understanding activities that their team goes through and any current news. Moreover, the days off are best for individuals to capitalize on behind the scene review and photos of team members.

Promotional Activities, Which Philadelphia Phillies Must Use

One should understand that there are five components to promotional mix. These elements include personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing, and advertising. Nevertheless, Philadelphia Phillies should use specific promotional activities during the season. First, advertising is one of the promotional activities that can be used when the game is in season. For example, during the championship games, Philadelphia Phillies might use television, outdoor advertising, radio, and internet services to advertise tournaments to their fans.

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Secondly, Philadelphia Phillies can use the component of public relations to reach out to their fans base. The team is already engaged in the entertainment service hence they get involved in programs and activities, which assist the team to develop relationships with their target audience. Philadelphia Phillies has to use media to connect to a vast number of their customers and even attract new customers. Besides, using public relations will boost the ability of the team to acquire information from the public and their attitude towards sport. It will give them an insight of activities that need to be improved on, increase their customer and fan base. Philadelphia Phillies will have a proper understanding of fans attitude towards their game.

The information will be very significant, particularly when gauging different ways the programs and marketing activities have the influence on the perception of customers towards their products (Wakefield, 2009). When Philadelphia Phillies bears such information concerning their fans, they will have the capacity to modify promotional activities and make certain they have positive messages regarding the sport. More importantly, it will be instrumental when fostering constructive relationships between the target audience and team.

Personal selling is another promotional mix that the team can use. It is quite significant to carry out face-to-face interactions with target audience because they will be more convinced to purchase the good or service. Furthermore, personal selling is vital since it generates much revenue. It is better than mass communication, which involves millions of clients with having direct interaction.

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Special promotional Gift Days

The team’s giveaways and premiums are typically intended for a definite market segment. For example, some of the premiums range from beach towels, T-shirts, and baseball caps. Then again, bobble-head dolls and team photographs are issued out to their fans. Children under the age of fourteen are given baseballs caps and bobble-head dolls while those above fifteen are issued with baseball caps and T-shirts.

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Each organization has its purpose for existence and should maximize cost-effective strategies hence it is defined in the organization’s mission statement. As an organization, Philadelphia Phillies should engage in marketing itself by ensuring the promotional package and entertainment services are conducted in a responsible social manner. Through engaging in baseball marketing, the company should get involved in encouraging consumers to buy its products and participate in its events and activities.