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Japanese Food in Japan

Japanese Food in Japan

28 of June on Sunday at five p.m., I had a magnificent opportunity to enjoy Japanese food in Japanese restaurant Ishikawa. I have chosen this restaurant because it is a three-star sushi restaurant. Moreover, this restaurant has private rooms, and it is a good possibility to enjoy the atmosphere of calmness and intimacy. One should also mention that Ishikawa restaurant has its Ishikawa style. The most delicious dish was horsehair crab sashimi with broth jelly. This meal included a superb crab, excellent ginger, and a wonderful flavor. From the first sight, one can think that it was a simple dish. However, it was professionally prepared and decorated. Horsehair crab sashimi with broth jelly was served with sweet onion.

The menu items in Japanese restaurant Ishikawa include savory dishes with pickles, miso soup and rice, cold dishes like taro stem, tomatoes, and lotus root, horsehair crab sashimi with broth jelly, a soup of abalone, tofu, horse-head snapper, and simmered conger eel garnished with cucumber.

Simmered conger eel includes white radish, a sauce with egg yolk and myoga ginger. This dish is served cold. It is very effective as it presupposes a hint of spice, relatively dedicated conger, and its balance with other ingredients (About Ishikawa Restaurant, 2015).

A soup of abalone is always followed by tofu and horse-head snapper. Tofu adds the unbelievable taste. Moreover, the stock for the soup is well-seasoned and excellent. A soup of abalone is followed by dipping sauce and sea bream with ponzu. Sea bream with ponzu consists of the following ingredients: konbu with uzu, a citrus sauce made with rice vinegar, and mirin. One should say that it is tasty to eat the fish with the ponzu sauce.

A cold dish in this restaurant presupposes lotus root, taro stem, and sliced tomato, which is served with white sesame sauce. One should say that this sauce is the invention of the chef of Ishikawa. A cold dish is served with the vegetables.

A hot pot with cubes of wagyu beef is another particular dish of this restaurant. It is in the stock with tofu and sweetcorn. It is also crucial to use high quality sweet corn and grill beef in a proper way (About Ishikawa Restaurant, 2015).

Matsutake mushrooms is a delicious and wildly expensive dish in the restaurant. It resembles an Italian risotto. The unity of rice and mushrooms provides a delicious and flavoring dish. All these dishes are representatives of ethnic Japanese cuisine. To my mind, the cucumber pickle was less delicious comparing with other dishes. As to Matsutake mushrooms, they were unforgettable and extremely tasteful.

One should say that this meal experience was like the process of absorbing in Japanese culture, traditions, and national peculiarities. I must say that my meal experience had not been so bright before visiting Ishikawa restaurant in Tokyo. Moreover, the restaurant of Japanese food in Japan is different from those in Europe and the USA. I must admit that it was much better than I expected. First of all, I had never thought that I could be a gourmet and enjoy the sophisticated dishes as before I ate only fast food and pizza. Secondly, the atmosphere and service of the restaurant encouraged me to visiting it again.

It is also important to mention that Ishikawa restaurant in Tokyo is authentic. There are no Americanized items there. In the present time, the restaurants lose their identity because of the negative impact of fast food. As to Ishikawa restaurant in Tokyo, it remains resistant to any foreign innovations in food. Ishikawa restaurant in Tokyo is authentic because its menu items are based on the national traditions.

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Japanese cuisine is different from the American one. First of all, Japanese cuisine is unique and does not combine features of other cuisines. As to the American cuisine, it is mostly based on fast food and other unhealthy meal. American culture is the unity of many cultures; therefore, there is no unity in the eating habits. The similarities between American and Japanese cuisine are in using the seasonal products for cooking. However, for Americans, cooking is wasting of time, for Japanese, cooking is a real art that demands an inspiring atmosphere. American cuisine is not limited to any ingredients. As to Japanese cuisine, it is based mostly on fish, rice, fruits, and vegetables. One can say that American and Japanese eating habits are different. Japanese dishes taste simply but demand more time and efforts for cooking. To my mind, Japanese people have managed to do the impossible using the ingredients that may sound strange. Japanese people know how enjoy eating making it healthy and pleasant. American people do not have such a variety of species and vegetables. Consequently, their dishes are less sophisticated. For Americans, it is a usual phenomenon to visit restaurants of foreign cuisines. As to Japanese, they are devoted to their ethnic dishes.

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In conclusion, I should say that visiting a Japanese restaurant was a valuable experience for me. First of all, I have understood that cooking is not just satisfaction of personal needs but a real art and state of the soul. I recommend this restaurant because it proves that one should save national culture and traditions even with the help of food. Moreover, the attitude of Japanese people to meal taking is different from that of Americans. Consequently, every visit to the restaurant is like a ceremony for them that demands a complete commitment and relaxation.