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Organ Donor Persuasive Speech

Organ Donor Persuasive Speech

Specific purpose: to persuade the audience to donate their organs after their death and to influence their decision to become a donor of organs and tissues.

Central Idea: the number of people who need organs is constantly growing and it is within our power to help them and save their lives.


I. The Attention Step

  1. How many books are there in your house? Once you have read them, you do not appeal to them anymore. What would you do? Would you throw this book away or leave it to lay and get covered with dust? Or maybe, you would give it to someone who really needs it? Somebody might need this book the most, while it is absolutely useful for you personally.
  2. The situation with organ donation is practically the same. It is next to impossible that after death a person can use his/her organs. In your opinion, is it right to leave healthy organs and tissues within dead body while the number of people, who need them so much, increases every minute? Or, would it be much better to help other people to go on living without pain and disease having healthy organs?
  3. Today, I would like to let you know how many people need donor organs and tissues in the United States currently. Besides, we will talk about the misbalance between the number of needed organs and the number of available ones. And the last but not the least, how you personally can become an organ donor. The benefits from organ donation for the recipients are obvious. However, there are benefits for the family of the donor as well. Did you know about it? We will discuss it today.

(Translation: So, why do not we help other people, especially those we know (our family, friends, neighbors), with our organs, in case we do not use them anymore?)


II. The Need Step

  1. Presently, the number of people awaiting for lifesaving organs and tissues in the United States is about 120,000 men, women and children.
    1. The number of people awaiting organ transplants increases every minute as well as the number of patients dying because of the lack of some donor organ.
    2. Unfortunately, the majority of people, who wait for organs, cannot get them simply because of a shortage of donations. According to Donate Life America (2013),
      • “More than 120,000 men, women and children currently need lifesaving organ transplants.
      • Every 10 minutes another name is added to the national organ transplant waiting list.
      • An average of 18 people die each day from the lack of available organs for transplant.” (“Statistics”).
  2. The statistics persuade the mankind to help people in need of organs and save lives. Unfortunately, the gap between the number of patients on waiting list and potential donors keeps growing.
    1. As mentioned earlier, a great number of people all over the world die every day having awaited no organ for transplantation. In 2012, more than 7,000 Americans died because of the lack of available donated organs.
    2. Here is some data, which demonstrates the misbalance between the number of diseased people and the number of recipients. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the number of recipients by age groups in 2012 is as follows:
      • “1 Year Old: 277 (252 deceased, 25 living donors)
      • 1 – 5 Years: 520 (422 deceased, 98 living donors)
      • 6 – 10 Years: 280 (220 deceased, 60 living donors)
      • 11 – 17 Years: 695 (539 deceased, 156 living donors)
      • 18 – 34 Years: 3,105 (2,010 deceased, 1,095 living donors)
      • 35 – 49 Years: 6,386 (4,809 deceased, 1.577 living donors)
      • 50 – 64 Years: 12,155 (10,096 deceased, 2,059 living donors)
      • 65+ Years: 4,633 (3,839 deceased, 794 living donors)” (“The need is real: Data”).

(Translation: I hope now you understand how important it is to donate organs and tissues.)

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III. The Satisfaction Step.

  1. About 90% of Americans consider organ, tissue and eye donation to be right thing to do. However, only 30% of them have their decision to donate legally documented.
    1. As a rule, living donors are relatives of the patient. Obviously, for a person, whose family member is critically ill, the problem of whether to donate an organ or not does not exist. What is left to do for a donor is to confirm his/her decision and do save the life.
    2. Luckily, nowadays organ transplantation is an ordinary operation with a high rate of success.

    (Translation: now you understand that thinking about becoming a donor and actual becoming are not the same.)

  2. If your intention to become a donor is strong, but the situation is not urgent, it is recommended to get registered at the Donate Life America website at and sign a donor card. Then, your intention will be declared on the driver’s license.
    1. To get registered and to sign a donor card is a huge step in the implementation of one’s wish to become a donor.

(Translation: As you see it is easy to become a donor.)

IV. The Visualization Step

  1. Hal Stevens claims that by donating organs after death one can save or improve as many as 50 lives, depending on the organs one donates. Furthermore, “knowing their loved one helped save other lives helps make the loss more bearable” (Stevens, 2008, p.12).
  2. And do not forget to discuss your decision of becoming a donor with your family. In case of approval it might be a good example for friends and relatives.

(Translation: It is a great idea to become a donor and to manage to save so many lives.)


V. The Action Step

  1. It goes without saying that organ donation itself is a rather disputable question. However, its advantages prevail.
    1. Donated tissues and organs, as well as the people, who donate them, are very precious resource, which saves thousands of lives each day.
    2. If only the number of donors and consequently the donated organs had increased, we would have less people wailing over dead.
  2. Nonetheless, the situation with organ donation around the globe is getting better day after day.
    1. More and more people are getting involved with the organ donation programs. They register and promise to donate.
  3. A great many books, newspaper articles, scientific journals interviews, and websites are devoted to the question of organ donation, which encourage us to donate organs and save lives.
    1. So many people ask us to do this act of kindness. Why do not we?
    2. A good deed is never lost.
    3. If you want to be a donor, prove it!
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