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The King Case

The King Case


The King Company is a small manufacturing organization. However, like any business the King Company deals with many HR challenges. First of all, the company needs the proper training programs to increase performance and organizational productivity. Secondly, retaining and transferring knowledge should be provided as the basement for the development of the efficient human resources. Without a doubt, the King Company needs to improve the transfer of training to avoid not necessary spending and other losses. As a result, this essay analyzes the peculiarities of training process within the company and identifies the ways of its improvement.

Part I

Training Programs of the King Company

In the present times, the King Company deals with the issues related to human resource management. Declining sales proves that the organization should reduce employee staff in order to save their profits. The expansion of human resources should be replaced by the reduction (Berman, Bowman, & West, 2010). It means that the King Company should implement training programs to increase the organizational productivity and performance. The goals of the King’s training programs are the following: (1) to make employees more knowledgeable and skillful; (2) to pay bonuses only for the perfect work; (3) to encourage employees to work better; (4) to replace the recruitment process by training. These goals intend to solve the emerged HR issues and improve HR strategy.

The King Company has planned and should accomplish many goals. First of all, they have planned a 10% reduction in the labor force. Secondly, HR department wants to detect the violation of the organizational policy and regulate bonuses in a proper way. Moreover, a 10% reduction in costs is necessary to achieve the higher sales and profits. Consequently, one should remember that HR policy is influential when it comes to financial and economic perspectives of the organization. However, it does not mean that the planned goals of training programs will help to achieve the desired outcome. As a result, one should always look through them and add new ones.

Moreover, it does not mean that already planned goals are perfect and will benefit the King Company in a full measure. Consequently, they should be improved and be relatively straightforward. Training should be planned in advance. It should be effective and respond to the organizational mission and vision. The company should not totally refuse from bonuses as employees need motivation and encouragement to perform better (Owan, 2004). One can implement other rewards that do not demand money, for example, extra days off. The King Company should do its best to retain its employees and cut recruitment costs.

The company should implement these improvements to provoke the interest of employees to training programs. Moreover, these changes can help to make the training programs more effective. It is useful to make them more practical, strategic, and useful. Training programs should be productive and provide employees with new knowledge and skills. Moreover, the employees should feel themselves necessary and valuable. So, they should be provided with the sick leave and vacation. The reduction should not touch the most experienced and skillful employees even if it is costly for the King Company.

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Knowledge Retaining and Transferring

Knowledge retaining and transferring is one of the options of the training program. This function is crucial to have the creative, knowledgeable, and skillful human resource department necessary for sales and profit increasing. The efforts of the King Company concerning retaining and transferring knowledge are related to the activities of creating the favorable atmosphere within the company. It is important to mention that HR managers deal with some lawsuits from the former employees, but they try to solve them in a peaceful way to save their reputation. Consequently, the company should do its best not to lose their qualitative employees but use them as sharers of knowledge and skills within the organization.

The efforts of the King Company to retain and transfer knowledge are not effective in full measure. First of all, the former employees complain about the policy of the company and improper treatment. Consequently, the company should not reduce bonuses in order to keep the most knowledgeable and skillful employees. Secondly, refusal from wellness activities within the company can also lead to complaining and dismissing of employees. As a result, the process of retaining and transferring knowledge can be condemned to failure.

To improve retaining and transferring knowledge process, HR department should not reduce costs on bonuses and wellness programs. They will encourage employees to work better and more efficiently. All employees’ complaints should be taken into consideration to save the organizational image and reputation. Discrimination and unequal treatment are unacceptable, especially when the King Company deals with such challenges as sales and profit losses. The economic difficulties should not influence Human Resource Management in the King Company. Tuition reimbursement and bonuses are the best ways of improvement of retaining and transferring process. Healthcare and retirement savings should be also provided as the violation of employees’ rights is not the solution to the economic problems.

It is crucial to save rewards and bonuses to motivate all employees to work better. Moreover, it is obvious that acquiring knowledge and development of new skills demand an independent work. Consequently, motivation is a must when it comes to the implementation of training programs. Training is a way to improve performance and production. However, it should not prevent employees to do everyday duties at their workplace. Moreover, it should be paid. Knowledge retaining and transferring should be improved within the company to develop new expectations at work, provoke interest, and make employees more committed to their duties. As a result, before retaining and transferring knowledge, a trainer should set a clear performance standards and goals, give feedback, and communicate effectively.

Improvement of Transfer of Training

HRD is responsible for improvement transfer of training. Transfer of training is the ability to encourage learners to acquire new knowledge and develop skills. It is evident that the improvement of transfer of learning will be crucial for the development of human resources of the King Company. Training can be valuable only if it brings positive effects, and employees can apply received skills, abilities and knowledge in their work. Consequently, training should be more practical and respond to the organizational mission and vision. The company can also practice using online learning systems like transfer of training. First of all, they save time and costs. Secondly, they make trainings faster and more effective (Barrick & Zimmerman, 2009).

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Return on Investment

As the King Company is in a difficult economic position, cuts in the training budget seem not inevitable. However, the task of HRD of the King Company is to demonstrate return on investment to prevent cuts in the training. It means that cost-cutting period should not touch training. As a result, it is recommended to invest costs for training and learning in advance. Return on investment is also the way for achieving the necessary productivity and performance. To avoid cuts in the training budget, HRD should implement a quick metrics program that will help to detect the areas that will not be influenced by the economy (Owens, 2006).

One recommends to start a redeployment programme that will help to identify top performers. The company should encourage these employees and use them as the transfers of knowledge and skills. Low performers should be transferred to the places where they can become more productive. Moreover, it is obligatory to conduct a quick survey to determine the level of satisfaction of employees. The negative feedbacks should become the signal for HRD to change the atmosphere within the organization (Owens, 2006).

Part II

The Evaluation of Training Programs

To understand better the peculiarities of the training program in the King Company, one should analyze it according to Kirkpatrick’s Four-Level Training Evaluation Model. This model consists of four levels: reaction, leaning, behavior, and results. A quick implementation of training programs in the King Company proves its quick and adequate reaction on the problems. Trainers have learned how to retain and transfer new knowledge and skills. Staff training programs presuppose acquiring knowledge and skills in the following categories: technical training, sales, product, diversity, team effectiveness, and leadership (Saks & Belcourt, 2006). All these categories play a crucial role for the corporate culture and competitive advantage of the King Company.

The reaction of the King Company that resulted in the implementation of training programs is adequate when it comes to the emerged state of affairs. Training’s role for increasing revenues is difficult for measuring. However, it is important for the high rate of productivity and performance that leads to increasing of sales and profits. One recommends making staff training programs more specific to achieve better results. For example, one can divide employees in groups according to the category of learning. The main goal of HRD is to achieve favorable and positive reaction of employees on any changes and innovations.

The second level of the model includes learning. Knowledge transferring and training are the ways of information acquisition in the King Company. Knowledge transferring and retaining is the ability that proves that the company learns at faster rates than others. It is crucial to transfer productivity gains from one part of the organization to another. Learning curves should be documented as a part of the working process. Knowledge transferring and retaining should persist through time and be cumulative. Such phenomenon as depreciation of knowledge is typical for employees; therefore, trainings should be conducted from time to time. The key goal of the King Company is to make learning a continuous process.

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The behavior of employees in the King Company is favorable for the conduction of training and learning. All received knowledge and skills are practically used by employees in the workplace. The employees are aware that new information is necessary for becoming more skillful and qualified. According to Armstrong (2007), conducting interviews and observations are helpful in order to study carefully employees’ attitudes to training and learning. The development of the organizational culture in the King Company as a way of increasing positive attitudes among employees might be another useful tool in training.

The results of training programs in the King Company seem to be optimistic. It is evident that training professionals transfer knowledge and skills. As a result, their work should result in improvement of job performance. Moreover, control over learning and training processes in the King Company by HRD is a must to receive a positive outcome. The transfer of learning fails when learners cannot apply their knowledge practically. Consequently, all theoretical information should be practiced. To enhance the transfer of learning, one needs to determine a proper design, delivery, and post-training reinforcement. Training should not be an isolated event but merge with the everyday work duties. The results show that the company demonstrates increased employee retention that helps to save some costs spent on recruitment.

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In conclusion, one should say that the training process in the King Company is a good solution to the economic issues. First of all, training programs intend to avoid the recruitment process. Secondly, they benefit increasing the qualification of the employees, their knowledge, and skills. Thirdly, training programs develop the adequate reaction of employees on learning and encourage them to become more valuable and skillful. The King Company case shows that many problems can be solved with the help of HRD that is responsible for training and learning of human resources.