Team-Based Rewards Systems
Question 1. Based on the features of a good reward system, what are the positive aspects of the state of Georgia’s reward system?
The state of Georgia has implemented a performance management system. It enables an agency to monitor and track performances of its respective employees based on various indexes put on a scale. The high performance scores are generated from the respective performance plans. There are various positive aspects derived from the reward system that exists in the state of Georgia.
The reward system and the performance management program serve as an effective retention tool. The organization can actively engage its employees and retain those who are talented enough to receive awards based on their performance previews. The individual talent and skill become one of the key organizational assets required to make sure that objectives become attainable. The various rewards and talent programs may raise engagement levels. Various employers may adopt it in order to respond to the staff’s needs. Employees who are keen to retain their jobs and careers through the reward system demonstrate higher engagement levels. They show their willingness to go the extra mile, resilience, and adaptively embrace the chance to be outstanding.
This particular type of engagement between an employer and employees always keeps the best talent to the organization, which contributes positively to the organizational growth as well as an individual’s. Another advantage of the reward system is that the program equips employees and supervisors with the necessary opportunities to align their work effectively. It should correspond to specific agency plans and goals. It, therefore, enables individuals to always focus on the goal set and engage in activities that would contribute to that specific achievement. It also acts as a way of ensuring that employees and supervisors have embraced the standards, required for the work environment, to produce quality output.
The reward system provides a platform which analyzes performance expectation discussions. A very important management style applied to this particular scenario is management by objective. The agency can communicate with the employee who sets his or her own goals in line with general objectives of the company. It gives employees the ability to manage themselves and be responsible for any actions that would deter the achievement of the set objectives. Also, it becomes a great source of motivation for employees and they become guided by their own objectives and their desire to achieve them. Various agencies are able to set their specific work expectations with the help of the introduced system. The success of any management is in its capacity to fix aims for the entire enterprise and formulate methods for attaining the stated goals. It is imperative for the institute to approve this particular mechanism. It acts as a platform for conduction of performance scales and measures.
The reward system facilitates the identification and correction of areas that need improvement. It acts as a platform for assessing various interim performance reviews. In as much as an organization has stated its main goals and objectives of operation, it becomes important to preview performance across different levels of the organization. The process is very important because it identifies all forms of challenges that happen at initial stages of progress and addresses them appropriately. It becomes a major step since majority of the organizations fail to identify flaws in their systems. They may discover it too late, when the majority of the processes have affected the operation and the objective of the organization remains underachieved.
The reward system ensures a good individual affiliation between the top administration and the workers. The success of the state of Georgia is reliant on the capability of the manager to know the potential of the employee and his or her ability to know the expectations of the employer. Particular interactions enable employees to maximize their output and provide quality work. The Interim Performance Review Commission quantifies it as excellent. In this particular case, performance evaluation and the rewarding system exist on two levels, an individual employee level and a departmental level.
The reward system also recognizes and encourages strengths of employees and departments. An agency can recognize the strengths in different ways. Therefore, the state of Georgia uses various performance reviews based on their productivities. It can be a solid basis of inspiration to the majority of the individuals; hence boosting their morale and attitudes towards work.
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Finally, the reward system also discusses various positive and purposeful means and approaches adopted to attain goals of the agency. While conducting various evaluations, it becomes essential to preview different activities based on weaknesses identified with maximization on output levels.
Question 2. Based on the features of a good reward system, what are the negative aspects of the state of Georgia’s reward system?
Negative aspects exist in the reward system of the state of Georgia. Supervisors, who may be subject to biasness, unfairness or unequitable mannerisms, do the Performance Management Process components monitoring and development.
Some employees would feel uncomfortable with various evaluations, documentations, and performance ratings done by the supervisors due to a number of reasons.
Various interactions and relationships they have with the supervisors may influence the judgment and provide a source of negative energy to diligent employees. Supervisors may overlook key elements during the conduction of performance recognition, evaluation, coaching, and planning, which may lead to wrong results. The process takes a very short time span and may not evidently produce the accurate results for adoption as matrixes to gauge the employee’s performance. In general, the reward system acts as a demotivating factor if those employees who have made noteworthy enhancements in their particular areas of operations are not recognized.
Question 3. Based on your answers to question 2 and 3, what recommendations would you give the state of Georgia to improve its current reward system?
The current system that exists in the state of Georgia is performing well. It has used various performance management processes as variables of assessment of the employee performance. However, there are a few issues that, if properly addressed, will lead to the adoption of a very efficient rewarding system. The performance evaluation process should be frequently scheduled, as opposed to annually. The main reason for this particular recommendation is that the success of the State of Georgia is a continuous daily process. Therefore, it is important to review employ progress and passed milestones frequently, in order to make corrections and alterations in due time, before it affects the operations of the agency.
The agency should also invest in external supervisors who do not have any contacts with any of the employees in the company. When the organization adopts their suggestion concerning performance previews, it will make all the employees stand on the same level when it comes to performance previews and avoid biasness. It will result into a positive energy, since the employees have an accurate assessment from a neutral party. The management should encourage frequent interactions between it and the employees, using them as a way of building skills and focusing on greater company objectives.
The agency of the state of Georgia should also organize various training seminars where employees effectively train and develop various skills that are required in their jobs. It would result in the increase in quality output; hence contribute to the development of the organization. The reward system should recognize the efforts made by all the individuals in the organization and encourage those who are still coping. A system that is recognizes only the best may discourage others who have always recorded remarkable improvements and have never gotten the chance to be appreciated.
The agency should also promote interdepartmental performance analysis. The ability of departments to compete may favorably promote overall productivity of the organization. It may also act as a check to determine whether the whole agency function aims at achieving the stated goals and objectives.
Question 4. In addition to the processes identified in the case, are there any other labor relations issues that Georgia’s Department of Human Resources should also take into consideration?
The Georgia department of human resources should consider various labor related issues. The current process of performance management adopted in the agency fails to meet the essential requirements stated in the definition of performance management. In as much as there are various metrics that the human resources may use as a basis for identification of talents and rewards in the agency, it also becomes important to consider that performance management entails various activities. It involves the work planning process and relevant expectations formed in this processes. It also requires continuous monitoring of already performance.
However, the development of capacities to excel and perform should also be included in the process. The specific supervisors responsible for conducting the performance evaluation processes monitor the performance of the employees. They do so with the main aim to determine whether they require additional development or tutoring to achieve the targets of the agency. Remediation is not only the outcome of employee development but also a guarantee of quality and good performance. One of the types of developments considered by the human resource management would include formal classroom training. It may also involve informal training, which means an individual studies different concepts online. It may also involve mentoring. Other activities may include assignments and additional responsibilities with the main aim of increasing employee’s skill set.
A feedback mechanism should also be included in the process. It becomes very important that the supervisor, as a way of teaching, identifies flaws in the employee work and responds promptly to them. Ignoring vital processes and flaws would work against the agency in the end.
Question 5. When considering relations with all employees, are there any additional processes that you would recommend?
When looking at employees, I would recommend benchmarking schemes as a process. It involves choosing a similar agency, which is performing better that the state of Georgia agency, and observing how various processes evolve. When observing the processes, the individual should be able to identify the personnel who work in similar positions and different tasks they perform in comparison to their own. The employees should also develop a scale where they can compare themselves with their counterparts. It acts as a way of identifying the areas they need to improve. Upon return to their workplaces, they are able to adequately apply what they have learnt and favorably compete with this organization. The process brings benefits to the agency in terms of increased performance and quality of work.
Question 6. Are there any legal implications, from an employment perspective that you might recommend be considered?
From a legal perspective, provided standards govern the performance and quality of produced work. It is always important for employees to work according to revised and current standards. Various acts that quantify the operation processes in a work environment, for instance the Companies Acts, should be introduced, so that an employee is aware of their rights and responsibilities as well as an employer. It helps avoid any forms of manipulations that may exist in the work environment and alert the authorities.